Sevenoaks AC - Survey of Member Views on Recent Changes

Please indicate your views and preferences below - click to highlight options in the dropdown menus. Thanks for completing this survey for the club committee.

Have you attended the Tuesday Club Run with paced groups?
If yes, do you think the paced groups are working well?
Do you have any suggestions for improving the Tuesday runs?
Have you attended any of the weekend runs?
If yes, have you found the sessions worthwhile?
Do you have any suggestions for improving the weekend runs?
If you have not attended any weekend runs, are there any changes that would make them more attractive to you?
Does the updated website make it easier to find what you need?
Do we provide enough information (by website and by email) about upcoming events?
Do you have any suggestions for improving the way we communicate?
Do you have any other suggestions on how we can improve what the club offers?
Enter your name below if you wish

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